Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy "fresh" year.

"New" or "fresh" whatever you wanna call it. Its a time to think about what you've done in 2010 and have a fresh start in 2011. This year for us has been a gigantic step from last year. Every nook and cranny of this year was completely different. I'm still getting used to the changes really.

This year brought us our little man Cruz...
My daughters first year in Kindergarten
Amazing new friends
A closer connection to my old friends
An even closer bond to my husband
The last year my oldest will be in Elementary school (this I am very frightful of in the new year).
At this moment in my life I truly feel like I have it all...and even if I didn't I wouldn't need anything else, my heart is full.

I have a few things on my new years resolution list that I hope to abide by. Lots of changes coming with Marie Holmes Photography, one of which nearly beginning in a few short hours. But most importantly I want to say a big THANK YOU! To everyone that has helped, pushed or guide me and this little business of mine. I have got to admit this whole having "your own business" thing is not easy. There were times when I just wanted to give up. And each time I posted a gallery, watched a child grow up in front of my lens, or got a beautiful message from a client... that made my day and whole year. In fact, it also made me realize even more how much I love what I do, in turn giving me the fuel to light my passion. I officially opened up shop in April 2010 here in Jacksonville and from then to now... wow! It was totally unexpected how much growth a few short months could bring in a new place. So from us to you..

and Happy Fresh Year!!


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